The Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation (OPDC) is consulting on the Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA) Scoping Report for the forthcoming OPDC Local Plan.This huge development covers parts of the London boroughs of Ealing, Brent and Hammersmith and Fulham and includes issues concerning housing, transportation, air quality, sustainability, health and the local economy.
The IIA Scoping Report is now out for consultation and available for download from OPDC’s website.LINK
OPDC is also seeking comments on the Scoping Report from the public and other stakeholders.
Hard copies will be made available at the address below.
Please note all comments, suggestions and responses should reach OPDC by 5pm 9th October 2015 and be sent by email to or by letter to:
Local Plan IIA Scoping Report Consultation
Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation
City Hall, The Queen's Walk,
London SE1 2AA
This extract gives a flavour of the ground to be covered:
1. To enhance the built environment and encourage ‘place-making’
2. To optimise the efficient use of land through increased development densities and building heights, where appropriate
3. Maximise the reuse of previously developed land and existing buildings, including the remediation of contaminated land
4. Minimise the need to travel and improve accessibility for all users by public and non- motorised transportation methods
5. Improve access to well designed, well-located, market, affordable and inclusive housing of a range of types and tenures, to meet identified local needs
6. Improve climate change adaptation and mitigation, including minimising the risk of flooding and addressing the heat island effect
7. To minimise contributions to climate change through greater energy efficiency, generation and storage; and to reduce reliance on natural resources including fossil fuels for transport, heating and energy
8. To minimise production of waste across all sectors in the plan area, maximise efficiencies for transporting waste and increasing rates of re-use, recycling and recovery rates as well as composting of all green waste
9. Improve the quality of the water environment
10.Create and enhance biodiversity and the diversity of habitats across the area and its surroundings
11.To minimise air, noise and light pollution, particularly for vulnerable groups
12.To conserve and, where appropriate, enhance, cultural heritage
13.Increase community cohesion and reduce social exclusion
14.Improve safety and reduce crime and the fear of crime
15.Maximise the health and wellbeing of the population, reduce inequalities in health and promote healthy living
16.To improve the education and skills levels of all members of the population, particularly vulnerable groups
17.Maximise the social and economic wellbeing of the population and improve access to employment and training
18.To encourage inward investment alongside investment within existing communities, to create sustainable economic growth.