Brent Council's CEO, Carolyn Downs, announced tonight at the Brent Council AGM that she was asking the Council's Independent Person to review the whole episode of Cllr Tayo Oladapo's death going back to January 2016. Any recommendations arising from the review would be brought to Full Council.
Downs outlined the sequence of events that included reports earlier in the year that Cllr Oladapo had gone back to Nigeria, his country of origin. These had not been reported to Council on February 22nd because there was no confirmation that this was the case. There were then reports of his death that could not be confirmed as the Registrar said the death had not been registered. Letters to his address in Harlesden got no response and attempts to contact relatives in Nigeria and the USA also drew a blank.
On the 9th March police were contacted and on 10th March they had confirmed the councillor had died on January 29th. On March 11th his death was announced by the Council.LINK (WM note -The announcement posted by Brent Council on March 11th did not mention the earlier date of death).
Cllr Oladapo's death was not officially registered by his wife until May 11th. Carolyn Downs had then been able to convey her and the Council's condolences.
Later in the meeting some Labour councillors abstained on a vote to recognise the Conservative Group as the official opposition. This is the group based in Kenton now led by Cllr Reg Colwill. Earlier the Brondesbury Park Brent Conservatives had failed in a bid to occupy the front bench seats currently occupied by the Conservative Group.
It is not clear whether those abstaining thought they should not interfere in internal Tory disputes or whether they were signally that they thought the Kenton Conservatives would make a better, and much needed, Opposition.
Abstainers were Cllrs Perrin, Nerva, Collier, Miller, Chan, Marquis, Stopp, Long, Thomas and Ramesh Patel.
Cabinet posts approved were:
Butt (Leader), McLennan (Deputy). Farah (Housing) Hirani (Community Wellbeing), Mashari (Regeneration, Growth, Employment and Skills, Mitchell Murray (Children and Young People), Pavey (Stronger Communities) Southwood (Environment).
Mashari adds Regeneration to her portfolio while Pavey's post is a clear demotion after his leadership challenge. It is not clear whether McLennan will take on the Finance and Human Resources responsibilities previously led by Pavey.
The key Planning Committee, is still chaired by Cllr Marquis but the membership is relatively inexperienced with the exception of Cllrs Long and Moher. Other members of the Committee are Agha, Hylton, J Mitchell Murray and newly elected Kilburn councillor Pitruzzella.
Joining the controversial Cllr Allie on Standards are Collier, Kabir (former whip) and Krupa Sheth. Collier will have his work cut out to persuade his colleagues to adopt a strong stance in dealing with any referrals. Mandip Johal was recommnded for appointment as an Independent Person. The recommendation said that Mandip had over 10 years experience of dealing with professional misconduct complaints within the legal profession.
In an almost one-party Council strong Scrutiny Committees are essential and the memberships announced this evening slightly better than I feared.
The Community and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee is chaired by Ketan Sheth and other members are Hoda-Benn, Conneely, Hector, Jones, Nerva and Shahzad.
Resources and Public Realm Scrutiny is chaired by Cllr Kelcher. Committee members are Aden, Choudhary, Ezeajughi. Miller, Tatler and M Patel.
Cllr Stopp, previously on the Scrutiny Committee has now relegated to Alcohol and Entertainment Licensing (with Cllr Perrin) and the Trading Standards Joint Advisory Board. Duffy remains out in the cold.
Downs outlined the sequence of events that included reports earlier in the year that Cllr Oladapo had gone back to Nigeria, his country of origin. These had not been reported to Council on February 22nd because there was no confirmation that this was the case. There were then reports of his death that could not be confirmed as the Registrar said the death had not been registered. Letters to his address in Harlesden got no response and attempts to contact relatives in Nigeria and the USA also drew a blank.
On the 9th March police were contacted and on 10th March they had confirmed the councillor had died on January 29th. On March 11th his death was announced by the Council.LINK (WM note -The announcement posted by Brent Council on March 11th did not mention the earlier date of death).
Cllr Oladapo's death was not officially registered by his wife until May 11th. Carolyn Downs had then been able to convey her and the Council's condolences.
Later in the meeting some Labour councillors abstained on a vote to recognise the Conservative Group as the official opposition. This is the group based in Kenton now led by Cllr Reg Colwill. Earlier the Brondesbury Park Brent Conservatives had failed in a bid to occupy the front bench seats currently occupied by the Conservative Group.
It is not clear whether those abstaining thought they should not interfere in internal Tory disputes or whether they were signally that they thought the Kenton Conservatives would make a better, and much needed, Opposition.
Abstainers were Cllrs Perrin, Nerva, Collier, Miller, Chan, Marquis, Stopp, Long, Thomas and Ramesh Patel.
Cabinet posts approved were:
Butt (Leader), McLennan (Deputy). Farah (Housing) Hirani (Community Wellbeing), Mashari (Regeneration, Growth, Employment and Skills, Mitchell Murray (Children and Young People), Pavey (Stronger Communities) Southwood (Environment).
Mashari adds Regeneration to her portfolio while Pavey's post is a clear demotion after his leadership challenge. It is not clear whether McLennan will take on the Finance and Human Resources responsibilities previously led by Pavey.
The key Planning Committee, is still chaired by Cllr Marquis but the membership is relatively inexperienced with the exception of Cllrs Long and Moher. Other members of the Committee are Agha, Hylton, J Mitchell Murray and newly elected Kilburn councillor Pitruzzella.
Joining the controversial Cllr Allie on Standards are Collier, Kabir (former whip) and Krupa Sheth. Collier will have his work cut out to persuade his colleagues to adopt a strong stance in dealing with any referrals. Mandip Johal was recommnded for appointment as an Independent Person. The recommendation said that Mandip had over 10 years experience of dealing with professional misconduct complaints within the legal profession.
In an almost one-party Council strong Scrutiny Committees are essential and the memberships announced this evening slightly better than I feared.
The Community and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee is chaired by Ketan Sheth and other members are Hoda-Benn, Conneely, Hector, Jones, Nerva and Shahzad.
Resources and Public Realm Scrutiny is chaired by Cllr Kelcher. Committee members are Aden, Choudhary, Ezeajughi. Miller, Tatler and M Patel.
Cllr Stopp, previously on the Scrutiny Committee has now relegated to Alcohol and Entertainment Licensing (with Cllr Perrin) and the Trading Standards Joint Advisory Board. Duffy remains out in the cold.