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Raft of South Kilburn proposals on agenda at Monday's Cabinet Meeting

Reprinted from the Cabinet agenda papers for the benefit of South Kilburn residents.  Deputations to speak at the meeting can be requested. Apply to Anne.Reid@brent.gov.uk  0208 937 1359

This report updates members on proposals to deliver a new Enterprise Hub and proposes the re-development of the Carlton and Granville Centres as a location for the Enterprise Hub and deliver 95 new home with additional community space.

This report relates to Hereford House and Exeter Court (being part of ‘Phase 3A’ of the South Kilburn regeneration programme and as shown edged red on Appendix 1).

This report seeks the Cabinet’s approval of a procurement strategy for an architecturally led multidisciplinary design team for the comprehensive redevelopment of Hereford House and Exeter Court, being part of Phase 3A of the South Kilburn regeneration programme. 

Additional documents:

This report sets out the approvals required by the Cabinet to further progress this project originally within Phase 2b of the regeneration programme.

This report sets out proposals for Salusbury Road Car Park, Cullen House and adjoining land comprising of the spur road, Keniston Press, TfLoffices at Premier House and the Falcon Public House (together defined as "Site 18"), which forms part of Phase 2b of the South Kilburn regeneration programme and as shown edged red on Plan A at Appendix 1. This development has been stalled since 2012 due to safeguarding of the site by High Speed Two Ltd (HS2) for a proposed ventilation shaft and auto transformer. The Council has recently successfully secured the release of this site from HS2.


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