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Get involved with 'meanwhile' plans for Corrib Rest tonight


From Transition Town Kensal to Kilburn

Transition Town Kensal to Kilburn, working with other local groups and individuals, plans to re-open the Corrib Rest pub on Salusbury Road as a community hub. This is with the owners permission (of course!) for six months, possibly longer. We’re opening the doors on Tuesday 18th October so everyone can see the space, find out more and get involved. We want as many people as possible to contribute to setting up, running and enjoying the new pub!

Address: Corrib Rest pub, 76-78 Salusbury Rd, London NW6 6PA

7pm - Doors open and time to look round the building
7.30-7.45pm - Welcome and presentations
7.45-9.30pm - Mingling - this is your chance to find out more, meet the people planning to run each section, give your input and get involved:

Community pub
Spice Caravan and other catering
Cycletastic bike repairs and sales
Maker and skills workshops
Freelancers co-working space
Core planning group - open to new ideas and help with marketing, graphic design, admin and all locals with time to volunteer to help the project.

We are looking for help in many areas including graphic design, marketing, admin, running a pub and everything relevant to setting up a new not-for-profit enterprise in a meanwhile space. Your experience and skills are valuable to us. Can you volunteer some time in the set up or regular running?  Come along and let us know.

A bar will be run by QPCS PTFA and snacks will be supplied by Spice Caravan - both in return for donations.

Let us know if you are coming (if you haven't already) corribrest@gmail.com  and please bring friends and neighbours, and tell us if you have a particular interest.

Meanwhile@Corrib team

PS For anyone not aware of the term 'meanwhile' in this context it means using an empty space for a limited amount of time until it is developed by the owners.

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