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STPs - throw a spanner in the works by supporting this legal challenge fundraiser


From Stop the Sustainability & Transformation Plans
The NHS must continue to provide comprehensive healthcare to everyone who needs it.
We are challenging the legality of new fixed, restricted NHS and social care budgets that cover an area’s whole population but won’t meet the public’s needs.

The fundraising page is here: http://bit.ly/999JudicialReview

Please give what you can. Every penny counts and we are so grateful for any donations. And only £135 to go to our initial target.

Please keep sharing and explaining to friends and family the importance of getting behind this campaign.

The lawyers are with us, the people at CROWDJUSTICE love our case. And we are glad to know we have public support in this big step forward.

We will keep you posted as the case develops, and will be updating and expanding the case information on our websites.

www.stopthestps.org.uk and www.999callfornhs.org.uk

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