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Harrow Green Party announces its General Election candidates


After a secret ballot amongst Harrow Green party members the following candidates have been chosen to stand for election on 8th June in the parliamentary elections:

Harrow West - Rowan Langley

Rowan will be standing in this constituency for the third time in succession. He is keen to ensure that the Green Party is visible as much as possible and hopes to continue to offer voters in Harrow the chance to vote Green. 

Rowan is a local resident, but also has business clients in the area for his electrician's business. It his through his work that he has seen some of the hidden poverty, which he would like to target via the provision of improved rental housing for those on low incomes.

Harrow East - Emma Wallace

 Emma decided to put herself forward for a second consecutive election as she is committed to ensuring there is a progressive and democratic voice in the borough of Harrow and ultimately, Westminster.  Emma believes that the Green Party holds values and policies that would benefit our local community and would strongly advocate these as the parliamentary candidate.  She has been actively involved in Harrow Green Party for over two years, being the local party’s coordinator with the aim of developing the standing and impact of the Greens in the borough.  Emma has supported key local campaigns, including protesting against the closure of local libraries, the closure of The Bridge and also against Harrow School’s sports hall development.

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