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Brent Cabinet to discuss Northwick Park One Public Estate Memorandum

Controversial 'One Public Estate' plans LINK for Northwick Park will be discussed at the Cabinet on May 22nd (at the earlier time of 6pm) in the form of a Memorandum of Understanding between the four partners: London Borough of Brent, London NW Healthcare NHS Trust, University of Westminster and Network Homes.

Consultation revealed resident fears over impact on transport, existing infrastructure including schools, flood and drainage and the need to consult with Harrow Council.  I would also add the potential impact on public open space as being a concern.

--> The Memorandum of Understanding stresses improvements for all the partners but also has an underlying theme of reducing costs and maximising receipts and land values:

The Key Objectives

The aim of the Project in general terms is to work together to rationalise services and resources between the Partners and Associate Partners  and unlock development land to facilitate hospital redevelopment, new homes and improved services for the community.
Common visions for partners;
·      Place making
·      Central hub(s)
·      Improved infrastructure (road network and Highways, cycle ways etc.), and transport connections, (Underground, overground rail and buses), and private
·      Utility and boundary review.
·      Energy strategy
·      Shared facilities and services. 

 The specific aim of Project is to:
·      to generate capital receipts.
·      to reduce running costs
·      to create jobs,
·      to create homes,
·      to integrate services These aims are referenced in Brent’s July 2016 Phase Four OPE MOU  

Key objectives for Brent are;
·      More affordable homes
·      More school places
·      Growth
·      Increased revenue from homes and businesses
·      Employment and skills opportunities within the Borough. 

 Key objectives for London Northwest Healthcare NHS Trust
·      Maximise income for the Trust in order to support its deficit and sustainability plans
·      Ensure accommodation requirements are met
·      Improve access to the hospital
·      Protect existing clinical services from distribution or delay (e.g. Blue light vehicles, clinical activity)
·      Improve civic values of the development
·      Address requirement to re-provide services currently on the land, whilst ensuring continuity  

Key objectives for The University of Westminster
·      Maintain and increase student satisfaction levels
·      Upgrade teaching spaces
·      Increase critical mass and create a sense of place
·      Create additional student accommodation
·      Maximise value of landholding
·      Create staff accommodation.  

Key Objectives for Network Homes Ltd.
·      Phased redevelopment of Northwick Park working collaboratively with other land holders to maximise the potential opportunity
·      Delivery of new affordable and mixed tenure housing as well as commercial uses
·      High quality design and place making, including the main gateway into the site from NWP tube station, serving all land holdings
·      Improved infrastructure and transport connections to help ensure a sustainable future for Northwick Park residents, service providers and hospital patients

This is project outline as first published in One Public estate (Local Government Association/Cabinet office) February 2017 (click on image to enlarge)

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