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Local authorities must be permitted to build new schools to provide extra places

Today's publicity about the shortage of primary school places once again underlines the sheer stupidity of the Government's policy. Michael Gove's obsession with his ideological free school and academies policy means that local authorities are not allowed to build new schools. Instead they have to rely on free school providers or academy sponsors moving into their area or expansion of schools which are often already on crowded sites.

Labour should have been  campaigning vigorously for LAs to be given the finance and right to build new schools where there is a shortage of primary places. Unfortunately Stephen Twigg's lack of drive and his ambivalent attitude towards free schools has meant that the case has not been powerfully made.

Local authorities have the local knowledge to plan new schools where they are most needed and the expertise and resources to ensure that such schools are fit for purpose, have access to school support services and are professionally staffed so that they hit the ground running.  Free schools, even if they happen to be provided in areas of shortage (and many are not), do not have these guarantees.

Local authorities have a statutory duty to provide education and parents have a legal duty to ensure that their children attend school. Gove's policy, despite all his protestations, is actually thwarting both and in the process damaging children.

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