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Barry Gardiner among the speakers at Jobs and Climate Conference on Saturday


Tickets are still available for this important conference in central London. Go to LINK.

Tackling the climate crisis needs workers to build a world fit for the future. Yet the narrative of 'jobs versus environment' is still heard across the political spectrum, derailing the action we urgently need.

This conference, organised by the Campaign against Climate Change Trade Union Group, aims to challenge the false choice of good jobs versus the environment. Instead of settling for this, there is both an urgent need for action on climate change and a real opportunity for trade unionists to be at the forefront of campaigning for a transition. One which puts the needs of the planet, decent jobs and social justice at the top of the political agenda.

The conference, for trade unionists and others interested in the issues, will be an opportunity to hear from trade unionists, scientists, environmental activists and others about the issues; and to learn from grassroots action today as well as debating a vision for the future.

Speakers include:

Barry Gardiner - Shadow Secretary of State for International Trade and Shadow Minister for International Climate Change, Chris Baugh - Dep Gen Sec PCS , Sarah Woolley - BFAWU, Caroline Russell - Green Party London Assembly Member, Liz Hutchins - FOE, Professor Joanna Haigh - Grantham Institute, Suzanne Jeffery - Chair CACC, Asad Rehman - Executive Director War on Want, Mika Minio-Paluello - Platform, Wilf Sullivan - Race Equality Officer TUC, Tahir Latif - (Aviation group PCS), Duncan Law - Biofuelwatch, Kim Hunter - Frack Free Scarborough, Tina Louise Rothery - Lancashire Anti-Fracking Nanas, Graham Petersen - Greener Jobs Alliance, Sam Mason - PCS, Allison Roche - UNISON, ACTS Unite, Jonathan Neale - Global Climate Jobs, Dave King - New Lucas Plan Group, Lauren Jones - Sheffield Climate Alliance, Paul Allen - Centre for Alternative Technology, Sarah Pearce, UNISON

Registration: 10am-10.45am, conference start 10.45, conference finish 5pm

Two Plenary Sessions:
1. Jobs versus the Environment, challenging a false choice.
2. Planning for a just transition - a future which doesn't cost the earth

Workshops include:
  • Climate Change: What's happening to our climate and why this is an issue
  • One Million Climate Jobs: Planning for a national Climate Service
  • Climate Refugees: Campaigning within the trade unions
  • Just Transition: Challenging the Government's Clean Growth Strategy
  • A New Lucas Plan: Popular Planning for Social Need
  • Jobs and Climate: Debates in the movement
  • Food and agriculture: Planning for a healthy sustainable future
  • Women and Climate: In the frontline
  • Workplace Environmental Reps: Organising in the workplace
  • Energy Democracy: How can trade unions 'resist, reclaim, restructure' the energy system?

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