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Say “NO!” to hatred Join the National Happier Together Day: Tuesday 3rd April 2018


A welcome response to the Islamophobic April 3rd campaign covered earlier on Wembley Matters LINK

Say “NO!” to hatred

Join the National Happier Together Day: Tuesday 3rd April 2018 LINK

We value Britain’s rich cultural diversity. We want to live in a country that welcomes people from other places and embraces ethnic, cultural and religious difference. We reject discrimination and hatred in all its forms. We have a vision of strong, united communities based on what we have in common.

But there are a few people who don’t share our vision. They try to sow division, fear and hatred. They scapegoat migrants and refugees. They target and threaten Muslims and their places of worship.

We won’t allow their message of racism, intolerance and bigotry to weaken us. That’s why, on 3rd April, we’re holding national Happier Together Day.

What you can do:

• Join our twitter storm hastag #happiertogether at 12pm on the 3 April- encourage all your friends and followers to do the same!

• Join us outside London Muslim Centre, on Whitechapel Road E1 at 6.15pm on the 3 April, to take part in our human smile chain across Whitechapel towards the city

•like our Facebook page and share with your followers encouraging them to like and share too

• Ask your local MPs, councillors, council staff, police, fire service , NHS staff, community groups and members of the public to join your smile chain

For more information, contact:

Nozmul Hussain
East London Mosque and London Muslim Centre
Email: nozmul@londonmuslimcentre.org.uk

Who is organising this?:
East London Mosque & London Muslim Centre
United East End
Stand Up to Racism

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