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New round of Neighbourhood CIL bids, value £6m, now open - deadline June 30th

From Brent Community Infrastructure Levy Administration. Note that the decision on whch projects to fund are made by the Head of Planning Alice Lester and the Lead member for Regeneration, Highways and Planning Cllr Shama Tatler.

Brent Council is now accepting applications for Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)  funded projects that aim to improve the local area.

You have until 23:59 on 30 June 2018 to apply.

There is approximately £6m available, so if you, or any Brent residents or community groups you work with have a good idea, please visit our webpage www.brent.gov.uk/CIL  (scroll to the ‘spending CIL’section) where you can find out more about the application process and shortlisting criteria.  

If you have any questions about the application process please email CILadmin@brent.gov.uk

If you would like support with your application please email support@cvsbrent.org.uk

From the webpage:

Strategic CIL

We are required to spend the levy's funds on the infrastructure needed to support the development of Brent. This is known as ‘Strategic CIL’.
View the list of strategic infrastructure the CIL will be spent on, in accordance with Regulation 123 of the CIL Regulations 2010.

Neighbourhood CIL

We must also spend CIL funds on priorities that are agreed in consultation with the local community. This is known as ‘Neighbourhood CIL’. To help manage Neighbourhood CIL priorities and spend, Brent has been divided into five ‘CIL Neighbourhoods’; Harlesden, Kilburn, Kingsbury, Wembley, and Willesden. 15 percent of CIL receipts generated in each CIL Neighbourhood will be spent on Neighbourhood projects.
See the Current CIL Neighbourhood Boundaries

How are CIL Neighbourhood priorities decided?

Priorities for each CIL Neighbourhood are set for three years, following consultation with ward members, residents, businesses and other stakeholders. Priorities for each Neighbourhood Forum will be agreed and set for the duration of their Neighbourhood Development Plan.

How do I submit Neighbourhood project ideas?

Once Neighbourhood Priorities are agreed, community organisations, residents and businesses and other stakeholders will be invited to submit proposals for neighbourhood improvement projects that align to these priorities. These projects may be delivered by community organisations, council officers or other third party organisations.

A scheme will not be funded unless it meets all essential criteria. The shortlisting criteria for projects are as follows:
  • Meets the terms of the CIL Regulations  (2010) as amended
  • Has community backing
  • Supports, and where possible mitigates the impact of, the development of the area
  • Reflects the priorities of the Council & CIL Neighbourhood
  • A one-off scheme that does not require additional revenue funding in its delivery or its operation ( or identifies how additional revenue funding may be met)
  • Benefits the broadest section of the community
  • Offers value for money 
Neighbourhood CIL project proposals may be submitted two times a year. The 2018/19 deadlines for submission are:
  • 30 June 2018 (11.59pm)
  • 1 December 2018 (11.59pm)
The Head of Planning and Lead Member for Regeneration, Highway and Planning, will rank all project proposals received for each CIL Neighbourhood by the submission deadline, according to how well they meet the shortlisting criteria, and a shortlist of projects to fund will be agreed. Projects that are not shortlisted will also receive notification and may request feedback on their proposals.

Where can I get help to develop my project ideas?

1. Read the guidance contained in these web pages along with the Brent Neighbourhood CIL allocation process note and Brent Council’s standard terms and conditions of funding.
2. Save the Neighbourhood CIL application form (PDF) to your computer and open it with the latest version of Adobe Reader. Do not use preview or any other application.
3. Email the completed application form to us by the submission deadline
4. Please contact us if you require further support to develop a project proposal

What Neighbourhood projects have received funding?

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