The international anti-war conference on Saturday 30 November will address the key issues of the 'war on terror', and includes sessions on the history of British imperialism, drone warfare, the scramble for Africa and state attacks on civil liberties.
The discussions will be led by keynote speakers from across the world -- from the USA to Iraq, from Afghanistan to India, from Ireland to the Middle East. They include Jeremy Scahill, Owen Jones, Diane Abbot MP, Manik Mukherjee, Rachel Shabi, Lindsey German, Tariq Ali and Mitra Qayoom. (See full speaker list:
Advance booking here:
•A student rate of £5 is available until Thursday 28 November
•Free entry for all Friends of Stop the War
•Tickets will also be available on the day of the conference
10 - 11am Plenary: Imperialism, war and resistance
Jeremy Corbyn MP (chair), Jeremy Scahill, Diane Abbott MP, Tariq Ali, Lindsey German, Joan Humphreys, Peter Brierley, Andrew Murray.
11.15am - 12.15pm Parallel sessions
• A very short history of British imperialism
with Seumas Milne, John Rees,
• Merchants of death: drones and the arms trade
with Ala'a Shehabi, Chris Cole, Jean Lambert MEP
12.30 - 1.30pm Lunch
1.30pm - 2.30pm Parallel Sessions
•The new scramble for Africa
with Explo Nani Kofi, Jeremy Corbyn MP
•Nato: expansion and war
with Edward Horgan, Steve Bell and others
2.30pm - 3.30pmParallel Sessions
•The Syrian War in Context
with Sami Ramadani, Jonathan Steele, Kevin Ovenden
•Taking liberties: surveillance, the state and Islamophobia
with Shazia Arzad, Shamiul Joarder
3.45 - 5pm Plenary Building the international movement
Manik Mukherjee, Owen Jones, Explo Nani Kofi, Chris Nineham, Mitra Qayoom, Tony Benn, Sami Ramadani, Sarah Colborne
The international anti-war conference on Saturday 30 November will address the key issues of the 'war on terror', and includes sessions on the history of British imperialism, drone warfare, the scramble for Africa and state attacks on civil liberties.
The discussions will be led by keynote speakers from across the world -- from the USA to Iraq, from Afghanistan to India, from Ireland to the Middle East. They include Jeremy Scahill, Owen Jones, Diane Abbot MP, Manik Mukherjee, Rachel Shabi, Lindsey German, Tariq Ali and Mitra Qayoom. (See full speaker list:
Advance booking here:
•A student rate of £5 is available until Thursday 28 November
•Free entry for all Friends of Stop the War
•Tickets will also be available on the day of the conference
10 - 11am Plenary: Imperialism, war and resistance
Jeremy Corbyn MP (chair), Jeremy Scahill, Diane Abbott MP, Tariq Ali, Lindsey German, Joan Humphreys, Peter Brierley, Andrew Murray.
11.15am - 12.15pm Parallel sessions
• A very short history of British imperialism
with Seumas Milne, John Rees,
• Merchants of death: drones and the arms trade
with Ala'a Shehabi, Chris Cole, Jean Lambert MEP
12.30 - 1.30pm Lunch
1.30pm - 2.30pm Parallel Sessions
•The new scramble for Africa
with Explo Nani Kofi, Jeremy Corbyn MP
•Nato: expansion and war
with Edward Horgan, Steve Bell and others
2.30pm - 3.30pmParallel Sessions
•The Syrian War in Context
with Sami Ramadani, Jonathan Steele, Kevin Ovenden
•Taking liberties: surveillance, the state and Islamophobia
with Shazia Arzad, Shamiul Joarder
3.45 - 5pm Plenary Building the international movement
Manik Mukherjee, Owen Jones, Explo Nani Kofi, Chris Nineham, Mitra Qayoom, Tony Benn, Sami Ramadani, Sarah Colborne
Stop the War Coalition | | 020 7561 4830