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Green Assembly Member wins TfL over to Green Energy

London’s biggest energy consumer would be running on renewables within the next decade as today, after pressure from Caroline Russell AM, TfL announced they’re looking for greener energy.

Almost exactly a year ago Caroline took the Mayor to task when she uncovered that only 0.01 per cent of TfL’s energy came from renewable sources, despite a target for rail services under the Mayor’s control to be zero carbon by 2030.
At the time the Mayor admitted more needed to be done saying, "You [Caroline Russell] are right, we can do much better."
Today, Caroline Russell says:
This is major news and I’m so pleased that the Mayor and TfL are seriously upping their game and addressing the climate emergency. 
I called the Mayor ‘irresponsible’ over his lack of concrete plans to get to zero carbon by 2030 after he joined me, and the Assembly, in declaring a climate emergency in December 2018. But this is a big step in the right direction.
Although the initial plan is for up to 10 per cent of TfL’s energy to come from renewable sources, that’s still much better than what I found last year. Making London’s hungriest energy consumer green is a great start. 
Now let’s get the London Fire Brigade and Metropolitan Police Service to switch to a 100 per cent green energy supply!

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