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Chicken shop basement flat offer withdrawn by Brent Council after widespread public concern


Concerned residents rallied in support of the writer of yesterday's post who publicised the unacceptable state of the Harlesden chicken shop basement offered to her and her son as the final offer to a family accepted as homeless.

On Twitter, Facebook and email people made suggestions re possible actions and some wrote directly to Brent Council asking for action to be taken.

Leader of Brent Council, Muhammed Butt, wrote yesterday evening to say that he was asking Cllr Southwood (Lead Member for Housing and Welfare) to work with officers to look look into the matter.

By this morning Carolyn Downs, CEO of Brent Council, had written to another concerned residents to say that the offer had been withdrawn and another offer would be made. She went on to say that the property was managed by a housing association on Brent Council's behalf and that they are investigating that now.

Thank you for everyone who offered advice and contacts and who made representations to the council.

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