From Brent Trades Council
Don't miss Brent Trades Council'smeeting on Wednesday 23rd September at 7pm
Sarah Woolley, Gen Secretary of the BFAWU and Vic Paulino, Unite Community Coordinator for LESE, will attend our meeting and will tell us about developments in their unions and their take on the developing situation. We welcome union reports from delegates.
COVID 19 infections are on the rise in schools, the hospitality industry,and communities resulting in new restrictive measures being imposed by a negligent government could mean more deaths, unless proper protective gear is available and testing, tracing and isolation is given to all those who need it. The government's testing programme is on the brink of collapse asprivate companies fail to provide. Risk Assessments in the workplace become more urgent than ever to ensure there are no loss of lives.
The crisis will deepen with the end of furlough and the rise in demand for Universal Credit caused by the rapidly rising unemployment are calling for fightback from all unions and trades councils.
Brent Trades Council has been campaigning for public measures in Brent to be systematically applied by the Council, met with community groups and workplace union reps and continues to work with unions to ensure health and safety measures are in place and agreed by employers. Not always the case.
I have sent agenda and minutes to delegates, but friends of our trades council are welcome to attend and contribute.
The zoom link for the meeting is:
Meeting ID: 870 1327 4851
Passcode: 739183
In solidarity,
Mary Adossides
Brent Trades Council