Facing lockdown in the difference circumstances of Autumn and Winter limits opportunities but it is well worth visiting Fryent Country Park, perhaps with a flask of coffee and sandwiches in your knapsacks. There are many different paths to explore and every visit brings something new.
This morning I walked for an hour on part of the Barn Hill side of the park. Easily reachable from Wembley Park Station and the 206 bus route. There is parking at the top of the road called Barn Hill (not, confusingly, the road called Barnhill Road which is on the Chalkhill Estate).
The wonderful Barn Hill Conservation Group have cleared choking vegetation from the hilltop pond
Ant hills on the acid grassland (being restored by the Conservation Group) which are predated by green woodpeckers
A naturally refurbished ant hill
Fallen or felled trees are left to rot to provide habitats this one has been turned into a temporary seat