I don't normally allow advertising on this website but I think the offer below is worthwhile for teachers, governors and others involved in education if Brent. The message comes from Robin Richardson of Insted LINK who was a far-sighted and progressive Chief Inspector of Schools in Brent.
“Politicians in all four of the UK’s education systems are faced, as you know all too well, by both short-term and long-term challenges. It was always thus, of course … The long-term challenges are about the capacity of schools to grapple with the impact of technology on education; increasing inequality combined with decreasing social mobility; preparation for work at a time of phenomenal change in labour markets; and literacy and numeracy amongst the lowest attaining 20 per cent of young people.
“… Against the backdrop of short-term and long-term challenges such as these, we urge you to take seriously your legal and moral responsibilities under the Equality Act 2010. This is not, we emphasise, an add-on matter – it’s not additional to the other challenges. On the contrary, you simply cannot deal effectively with the other challenges unless you start with the Equality Act, and put and keep it at the very heart of all you do.”
Thus begins the editorial introduction to the next issue of Race Equality Teaching (RET). The issue is about the whole equalities agenda in education, not about race equality alone. Normally RET is only available through an annual subscription of £39. But this issue is available for only £5 if orders are placed before printing begins on 8 September. If you’d like to take advantage of this offer, please click on this link and follow the instructions by clicking then on ‘Add to basket’ at the top of the page: http://ioepress.co.uk/books/race-equality-teaching/ret-special-issue-322/.
There are nine articles in this special issue and all are written by specialists in the topic they are concerned with. The authors and titles are as follows:
Sameena Choudry: Watching and checking on progress
Artemi Sakellariadis: Issuing a ticket but keeping the door locked
Catherine McNamara and Jay Stewart: One person’s journey at one school
Karamat Iqbal: Working out what to do with us immigrants
Gilroy Brown and Maurice Irfan Coles: Our children should know themselves
Mark Jennett: Pink is for girls and jobs are for boys
Sue Sanders and Arthur Sullivan: The long shadow of Section 28
Lizz Bennett and Laura Pidcock: Critical thinking and safe spaces
Sarah Soyei, Kate Hollinshead and Yvette Thomas: Identity-based bullying
Personalised copies of the issue will be sent to political leaders, and to bodies such as Ofsted and the EHRC.
There will be a follow-up special issue of RET later in the year, similarly about the whole equalities agenda and similarly available at a vastly reduced price. It will include articles on the pupil premium grant; spiritual, moral, social and cultural development; and religion and belief equality in the light of the Trojan Horse affair in Birmingham in summer 2014. Also there will be a round-up of recent resources, reports and materials and, based on both issues, a set of recommendations to the government and Ofsted. More information at http://ioepress.co.uk/books/race-equality-teaching/ret-special-issue-323/.