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Developers' free for all: Stop Dominic Cummings Stripping Away Our Rights - Sign the petition


If you think developers are getting away with murder in Brent at the moment - you ain't seen nothing yet if these proposals go through.

This petition has been launched  recoognising the damage that will be done to our urban environment if planning controls are limited even more.


TO: Boris Johnson 

Please don’t strip back the right of communities to a say on what gets built in their area. Letting property developers do whatever they want will lead to badly designed and poorly located housing. We need smarter solutions to the housing crisis


Wave goodbye to your right to a say in what’s built in your local area -- if Dominic Cummings gets his way. We’ve got just weeks to stop him.

He's working on a plan to rip up the rules for new buildings in England -- and replace it with a US style scheme. It couldfill neighbourhoods with shoddy flats and ugly office buildings.

But Cummings’ plan won’t affect every community the same way. City streets, not the countryside, will be the focus -- so people of colour will be far worse affected.

Cummings is trying to sneak this plan through as part of a coronavirus recovery programme -- and Boris Johnson just announced the first of the changes.

The full outrageous plans will be published within weeks. If no one seems to care, these changes will become law before we know it.

Dominic Cummings’ reckless US-style plan would take power over your local area away from expert planners with extensive local knowledge -- and give it to giant new “development corporations”

Remember, this is the same government who brought in a planning loophole that has allowed developers to build new flats without windows. Too many people are already trapped in poor quality housing.

But more than a million homes given planning permission in the last 10 years haven’t been built. So ripping up England’s planning rules to give power to profit hungry developers won’t fix things.

England’s planning system set for shake-up
Financial Times (paywall). 10 June 2020.

Uncovering the history of Church End and Chapel End, Willesden – Part 1


Responding to readers' requests, after the popular local history series by Philip Grant, for some local history of the south of the borough this is the first of a new local history series, by Margaret Pratt of Willesden Local History Society.

Church End, in the Parish of Willesden, has grown from a small medieval hamlet surrounding the church of St. Mary, Willesden. The main routes to other parts of the Parish converge here. Church Road, leading to Harlesden, meets Neasden Lane (to Neasden!), and Willesden Lane (later the High Road) to Willesden Green and Kilburn.

1.     A pictorial map of Willesden in 1840. (Based on a map in “The Willesden Survey, 1949”)

Other villages in Willesden (“the hill of the spring”), such as Neasden (“the nose-shaped hill”), Oxgate, and Harlesden (“Herewulf’s farm”), date from the Anglo-Saxon period, and were already established settlements at the time of the Norman Conquest. Willesden and Harlesden are mentioned in the “Domesday Book”, commissioned by King William I in AD1086, to record all his newly acquired lands, and the tithes, or taxes, due to be paid.

2.    A copy of the entry for Willesden in the Domesday Book. (From “Brent: A Pictorial History” by Len Snow)
There is no mention of any church in the Domesday survey. The reason could be that Willesden lands were already under the control of St. Paul’s Cathedral, at Ludgate Hill in the City of London. St. Paul’s had been gifted the Willesden lands in late Anglo-Saxon times, and now “farmed” them. Farming, in the medieval period, also meant the collecting of tithes (one tenth of the income and produce of land that was owned), to provide the monks and Canons of the Cathedral (‘canonici S. pauli’) with their food and living expenses. 

The tithes collected would not appear on King William’s list, nor would most churches, as they did not pay any taxes. There could have been a small wooden Saxon church on the site at Church End, a base for the priests who would minister to the 300 or so parishioners of Willesden at the time. However, there is no documentary evidence to prove it.

What is a matter of record is that a small rectangular stone church was built by AD1181, when an “Inquistion,” or visitation, from St. Paul’s records the church and its contents. The church had been built on the rising land to the east of the marshy ground bordering the River Brent, and fed by the Mitchell and Harlesden Brooks. It was soon increased in size, by around AD1200, when side aisles and a tower were added to the original structure, and was known as St Mary’s Church by 1280.
3.     St Mary's Church, Willesden, in a print by E. Orme, 1799. (Brent Archives online image 703)

Willesden is rich in sand, gravel, clay and flint, like many places in the Thames Valley, but has no building stone. The loads of ragstone used in the construction of the church must have been brought for some distance, probablyfrom Kent. The stone could have been shipped up the Thames, and then hauled up the River Brent from Brentford, on flat-bottomed rafts. Ingenious engineers of the time could have dammed off sections of the Brent to form ponds to make their task easier - unfortunately this is just conjecture! 

The 800-year history of St. Mary’s has been well documented (though not online) by our best local historians. Suffice it to say here that the church has weathered storms, wars, plagues, famines, times of social turmoil, pilgrimages, the depredations of Henry VIII, neglect, restorations, and calls for its demolition. It still stands firmly on its plot, surrounded by the churchyard which is the resting place of untold thousands of Willesden people.

In 1830, the author Harrison Ainsworth, who lived at Kensal Manor, on the Harrow Road, described Church End as: “A very retired little village, with its church, rectory and vicarage, and about twenty cottages, housing , among  others, a bricklayer, a butcher and a general dealer; also a group of wooden poorhouse dwellings in the churchyard.”  Ainsworth used Willesden and its church as the setting for his novel about the 18th century highwayman, Jack Sheppard. His “very retired little village” was to go through great changes as the century progressed.

4.    Jack Sheppard, thieving in the church, arrested in the churchyard and escaping from the Round House.
(Illustrations by George Cruikshank from Ainsworth’s 1839 novel “Jack Sheppard”: Brent Archives no, 1696/97/98)

The opening of the Paddington Arm of the Grand Union Canal, across the fields to the south of Willesden, in 1801, brought new transport opportunities to the area, and industries such as brickworks, gasworks, and rubbish removal appeared alongside the canal. The Great Western, and London to Birmingham Railways appeared, again to the south of Willesden, in 1838. The first railway to be built across Church End was the Acton branch of the Midland and South Western Junction Railway in 1868, which cut off the village from the farmland to the north. 

Chapel End came into being when a brick chapel was built by non-conformist villagers in 1820. This was to the east of the Church End settlement, at the corner of Willesden Lane and Dudden Hill Lane. The name “Chapel End” was soon in use, and the residents felt themselves to be different from the people of Church End. A few years later the name “Queenstown” was also used, supposedly commemorating a visit by Queen Victoria. There does not seem to be any record of such a visit, so perhaps it was simply an attempt to commemorate Victoria’s Accession in 1837!

5.     Willesden's Fire Brigade, passing the 1820 Willesden Chapel, c.1900 (Brent Archives online image 1265)

The Queens Town name was used well into the 20th century. The small original chapel, at the Dudden Hill Lane corner, was replaced around 1890 by a much larger CongregationalChapel, on the corner opposite Pound Lane, of the soon to be renamed Willesden High Road. The old chapel was used as a Sunday School, then demolished for road-widening in 1908.

6.     The Congregational Chapel, High Road, Chapel End, c.1900. (From “Willesden” by Adam Spencer, 1996)

During the 19thcentury, people were attracted to Church End and Chapel End to find work, and needed somewhere to live. In 1810 the ownership of land in Willesden, and legal boundaries, were finally settled by the passing of an Act of Inclosure.  Landowners began to see the profit which could be made by selling off acres of farmland to developers for building houses. 

The land at Church End was part of the old Manor of Willesden’s Rectory Estate. John Nicoll of Neasden had purchased this Estate back in 1738, and after passing through several hands in the early 19th Century, it was sold to The United Land Company, in 1869. In the same year, the company bought some land at Chapel End from the daughters of James Henry Read, who had died. This would later become the Meyrick Road estate. “Land for Sale” notices began to appear in the district, and developers and builders purchased plots at auction.

7.     Bramley's Farm, just north of Chapel End, c.1880 – one of the farms lost to housing in the late 19thcentury.
(Photograph by Stanley Ball – Brent Archives online image 1261)

8.     Beaconsfield Road, Chapel End, 1960. (Brent Archives online image 2570)
Nine acres at Church End Paddocks were sold in 1873, then Church Farm Estate went up for sale in 1875. This consisted of 4 acres next to the White Horse, and became the Cobbold Road estate. Roads and building plots were also laid out at Beaconsfield Road. House building on The United Land Company’s estates was finished by the mid-1890s. Southward expansion from Chapel End was prevented by the opening of the Jewish Cemetery (1873), and Willesden New Cemetery in 1893, because St Mary’s churchyard was no longer large enough.

9.     Willesden New Cemetery, early 20th century postcard. (Brent Archives online image 7255)
To the disappointment of the directors of The United Land Company, Church End and Chapel End did not provide them with big profits. Their stated aim was to build first-class estates which would attract investors, but the plots of land were small in size, so small houses were built, and the area became working-class. It was Church End Ward that elected the first Socialist member of Willesden Council, in 1904! The quality of the building work varied, but many of the terraces of small houses have survived into the 21st Century, and have stood up well to being modernised and extended.

Amenities such as shops and laundries flourished, especially along Church Road and Willesden High Road. Other buildings such as public houses, meeting rooms, schools and cinemas were put in place alongside the housing, and some of these landmarks have survived to the present day, while others live on in people’s memories. We will explore these landmarks in Part 2, next weekend.

Margaret Pratt.

From loo to The Louvre as Sudbury brightened up in homage to Covid19 workers & volunteers


From Paul Lorber

Following on from Philip Grant’s excellent Wembley history items - especially the last one about Sudbury perhaps I can provide an update on Butler’s Green.

A very large part of Sudbury was originally massive green open space called the Sudbury Common with large number of farms being established over the years.

John Copland who was a Purser (Sort of accountant/purchase manager) on British Navy ships and served during Horacio Nelson’s time at the Battle of the Nile acquired a proper called Crabbs House on what is now Barham Park. Over the next 40 years he continued to acquire land in the area and at his death in 1843 (he is buried in a vault in Kendal Green) cemetery he owned around 350 acres b of vin land stretching from the Triangle in Wembley all the way to the bottom of Harrow on the Hill - this must have also included what is now Butlers Green.

At some point in the 1870s that part was acquired by William Perkin when he moved into Sudbury near to the present Methodist Church.

Sir William Perkin (he was Knighted in Early 1900s) is probably Sudbury’s most famous person in the world.

As a young boy he was very keen to pursue scientific education. While experimenting with tar (residue of coal) trying to create a substitute for anodyne he accidentally created a purple liquid substance. When trying it on some cloths he realised that he actually created a first synthetic dye for colouring cloth. Following a few more experiments, tests and refinements his cm dye product turned out to be much more reliable and longer lasting than natural dyes used at the time.

He set up a factory in Greenford and started manufacturing dyes as a business. It was a big success and young William is claimed to be the founder of the modern clothing industry which his colour dyes revolutionised.

In the 1870s when he moved to Sudbury the population was tiny and most of the land was still open fields. Like in other nearby places the population explosion came as part of the arrival of the Railways with the Sudbury & Harrow Road station opened in 1903 and Sudbury Town a year later.

Sir William Perkin dies in 1907 and the land what is now Butlers Green was purchased by Wembley District Council in 1920 from the Trustees of his Estate. As Philip mentioned in his article it was renamed Butlers Green after Edwin Butler who became the first Mayor of the newly formed Wembley Borough Council in 1937.

He only became the 1st Mayor because Titus Barham who was due to be the “Charter Mayor” and who paid £4,000 for the mace, chains of office (over £250,000 in today’s money) died on the very day he was due to take up the his office.

I am one of the Trustees of Barham Community Library based in Barham Park. Philip Grant has kindly presented a number of his history talks in our library and we hope for more in the future. We are always keen to help local people of local history of our area but also to pursue improvements with a bit of art.

Despite its important local history Butlers Green has been somewhat neglected in recent years. 

We therefore decided to bring a bit of colour to the area by creating a Thank You Mural to all the workers and volunteers who continued to support our community during the Covid 19 crisis on hoarding erected around a disused toilet block.

The Mural was designed by Alessandra Grasso, who is Barham Community Library ‘artist in residence’ with the help of her sister Francesca and others.

The idea was supported by Sudbury Town Residents Association and Daniels Estate Agents. It has been paid by a small Love Where You Live Grant and donations from local people.

Barham Community Library and Sudbury Town Residents Association plan more Murals to brighten up the Sudbury area and are identifying more sites and raising funds.

Artists Alessandra on the left and Francesca on the right.

The disused toilet block is leased by Brent to a U.K. Power Networks. Partial hoardings had to be placed on 3 sides as the brickwork is cracking up.

They were painted white with fading paint and a bit unsightly.

We decided on a colourful makeover with people, animals and flowers. Young children passing by love the animals and the overall reaction was positive.

We also painted other bits and provided a Notice Board for local history and local information.

We also asked the Council to improve the outlook of the 2nd disused toilet next door which is also unsightly.

The bear in the picture is our mascot ‘Titus Bear’ after Titus Barham. The bear was part of the Barham Coat of Arms.

An open letter to Brent councillors on safe cycling infrastructure

An open letter to Brent councillors from Charles Fernandes

Dear Councillors, 

I'm writing with regards to the urgent need for safe cycling infrastructure in Brent. 


Today marks ten years since I first bought a bicycle as an adult. That was when I started on my journey from depending very heavily on public transport into a new world of empowerment, freedom and wellbeing. At the time I was emerging from a long difficult period of depression. Cycling transformed my life in so many ways for the better. 


Brent is amongst the boroughs with the most cumulative cases of Covid-19infections and deaths. 

The public are told to avoid public transportas much as possible. However Brent has the most train connections and is the borough most dependent on public transport. 

There's a harsh disparity in how BAMEcommunities are impacted from Covid-19. [01]. And Brent has amongst the largest and most diverse BAME communities in the country.
Brent is amongst the most pollutedboroughs in the UK [02]. And there's growing evidence that pollution makes coronavirus worse [03]. 

Brent has the highest rates of obesityand diabetes[04] [05]. These amongst some other illnesses disproportionately affecting Brent closely correlate with inactivity. 

Partly from its demographic and geography, Brent seems to have a unique combination of circumstancesthat makes it very badly affected by the coronavirus pandemic. It continues to be at risk from resurgent outbreaks and also from the ongoing climate crisis impacts on health.


The need to social distance has led to a sudden reduction in public transport capacity and a recommendation to avoid it where possible. A small transfer to cars leads to road gridlock. Both cycling and walking are now recognised as the favoured means of transport by far. These points are what has led to the Department for Transport issuing emergency statutory guidance on 9th May 2020, instructing local authorities to reallocate space to safely enable both cycling and walking. The mandate specified “Measures should be taken as swiftly as possible, and in any event within weeks, given the urgent need to change travel habits before the restart takes full effect.”[06] 


I recognise there has been important attention on care homes, with Brent Council apparently doing well to save lives there. This work must be complemented by enabling people to travel safely while minimising new infections. The aim of reducing infections is also to protect the same people Brent

Council protected at the peak of the pandemic. Otherwise while saving lives in one aspect, it risks taking lives in another. 

Most London boroughs have been taking action on active travel, with a mixture of low traffic neighbourhoods and pop-up protected cycle lanes appearing throughout April, May and June. To my knowledge, Brent has still not implemented any such measures. It appears that Brent is not appreciating the emergency, and may be at severe risk of breaching the DfT’s 9th May mandate. 

Extract from Forbes article: 

“A DfT report found in 2014 that investing in cycling brings huge economic, social, and health benefits, with some cycling schemes having a benefit-to-cost ratio (BCR) of up to 35 to 1. That is, for every pound spent, the U.K. gets back £35 in social benefits.

The DfT’s “Value for Money” guidance says an infrastructure project will generally be regarded as “medium” if the BCR is between 1.5 and 2; “high” if it is above 2.
35 to 1 is, therefore, off the scale”[07] [08]

Amongst other reasons, such an incredible benefit-to-cost ratio should be sufficient alone for a local

authority to fast-track cycle infrastructure, without waiting for external funding. 

People may lack the time or motivation to incorporate exerciseinto their daily routines. Cycling as transport can integrate exercise seamlessly into an individual’s way of life. 

Compared with the financial costs for individualsof using public transport and driving, the financial costs of cycling are minimal and very quickly recouped [09]. 

There are countless studies showing that pedestrian- and cycle-friendly realms benefit local business. [10] 


Resistance from some should be expected. The council should put efforts into educating people of the benefits, combating misconceived fallacies, informing that people who need to drive will still be able to do so, etc. 


Cycling as transport is progressive. It’s a mode for people of all incomes. 

Disabled people, as well as elderly people, are often disabled by the environment not being made inclusive; many are only too willing to use adapted or mobility cycles such as tricycles or handcycles. A Guide to Inclusive Cycling by Wheels for Wellbeing: wheelsforwellbeing.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/FINAL-v3.pdf 

Parents want to cycle with, or to allow their children to cycle to school. Children who cycle to school have measurably better concentration than those who don't. [11] 

There are political rewards too as demonstrated by Anne Hidalgo being re-elected as Mayor of Paris with her plans to reallocate road space to cycling and walking. [12] 


A Low Traffic Neighbourhood (LTN)by means of modal filters such as bollards or planters, restrict rat-running through traffic, while opening up a neighbourhood to a pedestrian- and cycle-friendly realm. Living Streets and London Cycling Campaign have published an introduction livingstreets.org.uk/media/3843/lcc021-low-traffic-neighbourhoods-intro-v8.pdfand the more detailed guide livingstreets.org.uk/media/3844/lcc021-low-traffic-neighbourhoods-detail-v9.pdf 

A School Streetis a road outside a school with a temporary restriction on motorised traffic at school drop-off and pick-up times. Find out more at schoolstreets.org.uk 

Pop-up cycle lanesare a reallocation of road space on main routes to provide a protected, safe and inviting space for cycling. These provide the connectors between LTNs and School Streets. 

We often hear contrary argumentsthat it cannot be done from people theorising about potential problems. Yet a cycle-friendly environment is not theory. The Netherlands over four decades ago began changing from a car-centric society – just like ours – into a cycle-friendly society. In London, Waltham Forest has become a beacon and is continuing to make a substantial transformation. 

I urge Brent Council to learn from good real-world examples, including how they managed to overcome local obstacles. 

Brent Cycling Campaign provide some FAQsin their blog posts: * Emergency Measures? What Does This Mean? 


* Wembley To Willesden Junction Healthy Streets


I'm pleased to learn of announcements of funding for emergency cycle infrastructure in Brent. However, in recent cycle route infrastructure schemes Brent received funding for, it has implemented the schemes very poorly, that in no way meet the aims of enabling new people to cycle. 

This is most notable with Kingsbury Road and Quietway 3. So I urge for a willingness to be open to scrutiny, to liaise with partners such as Brent Cycling Campaign, London Cycling Campaign, Clean Air for Brent and others. 

Yours sincerely, 

Charlie Fernandes
Resident in London Borough of Brent (address supplied) 

[01] Covid-19: understanding the impact on BAME communities (PHE, June 2020)
[02] Brent listed three times in top 10 of worst air pollution breaches across the UK (Brent & Kilburn Times, 2019) https://www.kilburntimes.co.uk/news/environment/toxic-air-in-brent-worst-in-the-country-1-5975064
[03] Air pollution likely to make coronavirus worse, say UK government advisers (The Guardian, July 2020) https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2020/jul/01/air-pollution-likely-to-make-coronavirus-worse-sa y-uk-experts
[04] Brent named as the ‘fattest borough’ in London (Brent & Kilburn Times, 2016)
[05] Brent 'worst borough for diabetes' (BBC, 2013)
[06] Statutory guidance: Traffic Management Act 2004: network management in response to Covid-19 (DfT, published 9 May 2020, updated 23 May 2020) https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/reallocating-road-space-in-response-to-covid-19-statutory- guidance-for-local-authorities/traffic-management-act-2004-network-management-in-response-to-covid- 19
[07] UK Government Dangles £100 Billion For Green-Recovery Infrastructure (Forbes, 2020)
https://www.forbes.com/sites/carltonreid/2020/06/13/uk-government-dangles-100-billion-for-green-recov ery-infrastructure-deadline-june-18/
[08] Value for Money Assessment for Cycling Grants (DfT, 2014)
https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/3489 43/vfm-assessment-of-cycling-grants.pdf
[09] Is cycling to work really cheaper than public transport? (BBC, 2016)
[10] The Complete Business Case for Converting Street Parking Into Bike Lanes – An annotated, chart-filled review of 12 studies from around the world (Bloomberg, 2015) https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-03-13/every-study-ever-conducted-on-the-impact-conv erting-street-parking-into-bike-lanes-has-on-businesses
[11] Children who cycle to school have measurably better concentration than those who don't (Road.cc, 2013) https://road.cc/content/news/75965-children-who-cycle-school-have-measurably-better-concentration-th ose-who-dont
[12] Anne Hidalgo Reelected As Mayor Of Paris Vowing To Remove Cars And Boost Bicycling And Walking (Forbes, 2020) https://www.forbes.com/sites/carltonreid/2020/06/28/anne-hidalgo-reelected-as-mayor-of-paris-vowing-t o-remove-cars-and-boost-bicycling-and-walking/

Only a quarter of places at the new Neasden Lane High School will be available for children in the immediate area

The new school on Neasden Lane

My question tabled for the Council meeting to be held on Monday July 13th. The School Places Planning document suggested that most pressure for additional secondary forms of entry will be in the north of Brent so a north Brent school makes sense,  but this one will be in the south of the borough and involve commuting by 75% of the pupils. According to Google Maps the motoring distance between the two sites is 4 miles.

Question from Martin Francis to Councillor Amar Agha, Cabinet Member for Schools, Employment & Skills

There was some confusion at the Planning Committee that approved the new North Brent School in Neasden Lane (School number 11 on map) about the catchment area of the new school. Pupils currently attending the North Brent School on the Wembley campus of Wembley High School Academy Trust will transfer when the new school opens. Is it the intention to have a North Brent catchment area for the school as it admits more year groups, or will the catchment area extend to the Neasden/Harlesden/Stonebridge area? What will be the geographical admission criteria for the new school?

Response: The Wembley Academy Trust, as the overarching Trust of which the North Brent School is a part, acts as its own admissions authority and as such publishes its own admissions arrangements, including catchment areas. The current admissions arrangements for North Brent School are published on their website and set out the following as part of the oversubscription criteria:
·75% of places will be offered to children who live closest to Wembley High Technology College. (School number 16 on map)

Distance will be measured using a straight-line measurement from the main entrance of Wembley High Technology College to the main entrance of the child’s home.

 ·25% of places will be offered to children who live closest to the permanent site of North Brent School. Distance will be measured using a straight-line measurement from the main entrance of North Brent School to the main entrance of the child’s home.

 In terms of future admissions arrangements, as Wembley Academy Trust acts as its own admissions authority, this is a question that should be put to the Trust directly. We can confirm however that the Trust has engaged proactively with the wider community in establishing current admissions arrangements and has committed to continue to do so in any changes proposed to future admissions arrangements.

Brent Youth Parliament challenges Brent Council on its response to Black Lives Matter


As the Black Lives Matter movement focuses attention on the actions of politicans both local and national it is worth looking at the historical context. Thirty years ago the Council launched the above video. Having been pilloried by the press as 'Barmy Brent', Brent Council tried to put the record straight with this film of the work the council was undertaking in the borough. A young journalist, instructed to get a story reinforcing the stereotypes, discovers something quite different.

One of the main targets of the right-wing press was what they called 'Race Spies',  advisers sent into schools to help them develop the curriculum and learning strategies to improve the quality of education and race equality:

Mail on Sunday October 19th 1986
The BBC made a notorious Panorama programme, Brent Schools - Hard Left Rules (30.3.87)  that took up the Mail's theme and All London Teachers Against Racism and Fascism tried to set the record straight:

Altarf Newsleter May1987
More than 30 years on the Brent Youth Parliament has challenged Brent Council on its response to the Black Lives Matters movement.

These are the questions and responses tabled for next Monday's Council Meeting.

Question from Brent Youth Parliament to Councillor Muhammed Butt, Leader of the Council

1.As a body that not only represents black communities but also many other BAME communities, does the council feel obligated to speak up on the matter? Is it simply enough to show purple lights to condemn the killing of George Floyd? On behalf of young people in the borough we are concerned that there has been no talk of action that can be taken to support BLM, even though this movement has highlighted the prevalence of systemic racism in the UK.

2. Brent’s communities are very diverse and some themselves do not think about the way they treat black people. Prevalent issues such as colourism in the Asian communities often cause such discrimination. As representatives of these communities would you call upon various ethnic minorities within Brent to consider their treatment of black people?

Questions 1 & 2:  Communities in Brent, one of the most diverse boroughs in the country, continue to be affected by inequalities and require decisive and urgent action by the Council and partners.

 In the context of global and local challenges and events the Council met with 72 black community leaders and representatives on 11 June to listen to concerns and take decisive action to make improvements for residents. In partnership with the black community leaders the Council has created the Black Lives Matter Action Plan and it is a demonstration of the council’s commitment to making long lasting changes for the Black communities of Brent.

The council wants to show respect, support and solidarity to our black community in Brent and that we are a borough where there is no place for racism and where equality and diversity are respected.

3. Moving forward, in order to create change, would the council consider reviewing the education system in Brent? As many schools in Brent are Academies, does this not allow the council some leverage and encourage schools to implement the teaching of Black history?

Brent young people are our future. The Council has a leadership role, in partnership with schools and colleges and a successful track record of working together to deliver good and outstanding education. As an example of the impact of this partnership approach, a project commissioned by the Council and started in 2018 has helped raise the achievement of boys of Black Caribbean Heritage. The most recent (2018/19) achievement data shows significant narrowing of gaps between the attainment of boys of Black Caribbean heritage and all pupils at Key Stage 2. In reading, writing and mathematics combined there has been an improvement of 16pcp representing a remarkable 70 per cent fall in the size of the gap. For the youngest children, there was a significant reduction in gaps for the end of the Early Years Foundation Stage. At Key Stage 4 for older children there was also an improvement, with the gaps between boys of Black Caribbean heritage and all pupils down from 12 percentage points to 8 percentage points.

We will continue to work with schools to encourage the teaching of black history. Brent Council has provided Brent schools with support to help them develop their curricula, for example, as part of Brent’s London Borough of Cultures 2020 programme, an education programme has been co-created with school leaders and young people, to help connect children and young people creatively with their local area, their heritage and their hopes for the future. Brent Council will build on this work to continue to influence and promote the teaching of black history in Brent schools.

Many of our schools offer excellent examples of the teaching of black history. Good practice examples include our schools which have been awarded the United Nations Rights Respecting Schools Award and schools complementing the national curriculum with the United Nations global sustainable development goals to reduce inequality and to promote inclusive societies and institutions.

 For those Brent schools which are academies, it is correct to say that they have some further flexibilities in setting their curriculum as they do not have to follow the national curriculum. Once schools and colleges have fully opened in the autumn, the Council, along with the Brent Schools Partnership, will be discussing the development of curricula with schools, to stimulate the positive teaching of black history in Brent schools.

4. Would the council consider commissioning a project to express black injustice in a creative way such as a Mural, similar to the one dedicated to the Grunwick strike, in order to remind those that come into the borough that we not only recognise black injustice but as a result we are dedicated to correcting the situation?

The council supports the idea of creating a mural in the borough to express black injustice and is willing to explore this idea.

5. Finally, how is the council planning on reaching young people in Brent that may be isolated or marginalised to reassure them about the council's position on the black lives matter movement?

We are committed to young people having a voice. In close consultation with local black community leaders/representatives, including young people, the Council has put together a Brent Black Community Action Plan setting out steps that will be taken to ensure we can help make improvements for local residents. The action plan includes an explicit commitment “to engage with young black people in the borough in settings and ways that are convenient for them. Treating young people as stakeholders with a voice.” Actions being taken include the following:

· The Council is collaborating with Young Brent Foundation to produce a series of podcasts exploring issues and concerns for young people in relation to the BLM movement and the impact of Covid-19 in the borough. The podcast will be designed to engage with young people, particularly those from BAME communities, through a series of conversations designed to encourage meaningful and constructive responses to BLM in their localities.
· We recently commissioned a special ‘Time to Talk Covid-19’, phone-in radio show with The Beat London to discuss why the BAME community is so disproportionately affected by Covid-19. The panel included a Brent Councillor, a community leader and a young person and aired during prime time to reach a large proportion of the young BAME community. We plan to continue working with The Beat London as one of our main channels for two-way engagement with young people in Brent around BLM issues.

The Council see Brent Youth Parliament as a crucial part of reaching young people in Brent who may feel marginalised, to reassure young people as to the Council’s actions and to give more young people the opportunity to have a voice, as you have so creditably done today

Elsewhere on the July 13th Council Meeting Agenda the Community and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee notes:

The cancellation of the 22 April meeting meant a report on School Standards and Achievement Report 2018-19, including Action Plan for Raising Achievement of Boys of Black Caribbean Heritage, could not be discussed; however, the chair has committed to rescheduling it along with the deferred items in the 2020/2021 work plan to be presented to Council in September.

Brent Patient Voice seeks information on Covid19 deaths in Brent


Robin Sharp (Chair- Brent Patient Voice) has asked  Councillor Hirani, Cabinet Member for Public Health, Leisure & Culture a number of questions about the impact of Covid19 in Brent. Cllr Hirani's answers are in italics. There is provision for him to ask a follow-up question at the Council meeting on July 13th.

1(a) What is the latest number of deaths in Brent from or related to Covid-19?

1(a) According to the latest Office for National statistics figures, the number of COVID-19 related deaths is 484 as up to the 19thof June 2020. These are provisional counts of the number of deaths registered in Brent.

1(b) What is the latest number of “excess” deaths in Brent compared to the same period last year (i.e. from the start of the pandemic in the UK)

1(b) The provisional number of excess deaths from the beginning of the pandemic until May 31stcompared to the same period in 2019 is 482.

1(c) Is there any estimated breakdown of the number of these excess deaths that may be from Covid-19 and those arising because the person dying did not access care due to the NHS focus on Covid-19? Can ward level figures be supplied please?

1(c) It is likely the vast majority of excess deaths were due to Covid-19. There is no information available on deaths arising due to a person dying as a result of the individual not accessing NHS care.

2. In the case where ONS have supplied a breakdown of Covid-19 deaths at ward level for Brent have any contributory factors for especially high deathrates in particular wards been provisionally identified, such as presence of care homes, one or more super-spreaders, a special event where transmissions might have taken place?

2. The Office for National Statistics does not supply this level of detail. Where it supplies deaths at local level they are just a number of deaths in what is called a Middle Super Output Area, a unit of geography used by the Office for National Statistics. This can be converted into ward level information approximately.There is no individual detail on the cases or the likely source of infection

3. Do the deaths in Brent relate to the place of death, e.g. a hospital, or to the place of normal residence of the person who died?

3.The Office for National statistics (ONS) data for Brent residents relates to the place of normal residence.

4. Is there data showing howmany died from Covid-19 in hospitals, in care or other residential homes and in the community?

4. Below is the provisional counts of the number of deaths registered in Brent, deaths involving the coronavirus (COVID-19), by place of death for which data are available. COVID-19 Deaths that occurred from 1st January 2020 up to 19th June 2020 but were registered up to 27th June 2020

Grunwick strike: Film of 'We are the Lions Mr Manager' available on-line for limited period.

Received from Townsend Theatre Productions

You can be the first to see our film of edited archive footage of the production 'We are the Lions, Mr. Manager! touring  2017-18/ filmed at TARA Theatre, Earlsfield, London in November 2017. 
To view film click link:  https://youtu.be/emDZYCbX_Eg  The film will be available for one month ONLY until 6th AUGUST.  Please click icon on bottom right that says cc for Subtitles.
If you enjoy the film please make a DONATION via our donate pop up or our Support Us page on our website: http://townsendproductions.org.uk

A suggested donation would be £3 which would help the company through these difficult times. Many thanks, and we hope very much you enjoy the film. Please keep an eye on our website for more online offerings coming soon, while we're not currently able to tour.

The Grunwick Strike of 1976 to 1978 wasn’t a strike about wages – it was about something much more important than that: it was about dignity. Dignity at work. Newly arrived immigrant workers were employed by the Grunwick film processing factory in North London in the belief that they would be easy to handle, to browbeat and to exploit. Yet, they found their own distinctive voice in the course of the struggle to secure their rights. Each morning the strikers, a group of predominantly Asian women led by Jayaben Desai, in colourful saris often hidden beneath heavy woollen coats, would take up their posts on the picket lines, unbowed and unbroken in the face of intimidation, the threat of arrest and the sting of the cold. Even during the hardest of times, Jayaben Desai had the uncanny ability to evoke a mood or sum up a situation with a perfectly weighted turn of phrase and a way and with words that captured the very essence of the human spirit. She had the measure of the most brutish and charmless of her managers, when she told them: ‘What you are running here is not a factory, it is a zoo. But in a zoo there are many types of animals. Some are monkeys who dance on your fingertips, others are lions who can bite your head off. We are the lions, Mr. Manager!’
Grunwick truly did make history: it focused the issue of the exploitation of immigrant workers, nailed the myth that Asian workers were passive and unorganisable and defined the trade union and political lives of tens of thousands from across the nation who came to the streets of Willesden to back the Grunwick workers. Grunwick was a defeat. But a struggle like Grunwick cannot be considered a total loss. It illustrated how a section of totally unorganised workers, ignorant of trade unionism and insecure in a foreign land can yet develop militancy and attract huge solidarity. It showed too that all the forces of the state, the monied, the media, the police, the courts, employers, racial prejudice and women’s inequality can be swept aside by the freshness and dynamism of determined struggle. Grunwick is still posing questions to today’s generation about the role in society of women, workers and immigrants. And the strike still carries a challenging message about the need for human dignity. 
The play was written by Neil Gore, directed by Louise Townsend and features Medhavi Patel as Jayaben Desai and Neil Gore as almost everybody else. 
COMING SOON! - Podcast of 'Dare Devil Rides To Jarama'& a documentary film of interviews made with Shipbuilding communities across the UK.
The script is available to buy from Stagescripts: 

Kilburn Times breaks story over Brent Council leader's attendance at prayer service during lockdown

Great work by reporter Nathalie Raffray has just been published on the Kilburn Times website LINK.

In summary the report says that Brent Council leader, Cllr Muhammed Butt amd Councillor Sangani attended a prayer service at the Ealing Road Mandir despite a government ban on collective acts of worship in faith buildings as part of the Covid19 restrictions.

To make matters worse they were joined by former Alperton Labour Party council candidate Chetan Harpale who was suspended from the Labour Party and  subsequently defeated at the Alperton by-election by Liberal Democrat Anton Georgiou.

Harpale was suspended after his social media posts applauding Tory MP Bob Blackman and Indian PM Modi, calling Jeremy Corbyn a 'pro- Jihadist and labelling Pakistan a 'Terror State'.

Do read the full story for all the circumlocutions.

Brent Trades Council Covid19 Action Campaign launches on July 15th


The campaign will be launched at hte Zoom Meeting, 7pm, July 15th 2020
Meeting ID:  853 0416 7019 

Password: seeyou3
Contact:  BRC19AC@yahoo.com 
Facebook: LINK
The aim of the campaign is to bring together local unions, community organisations, councillors and other supporters to decide how we can best promote health and safety measures in the community and in the workplace. As you all know Brent has been in the papers as it is the borough with the highest numbers of deaths. 36 deaths were recorded in the Church End Estate where many members of the Somali community live. We have had an excellent response from community organisations and unions to our request for contributions and our campaign sub-committee is still working on inviting further representatives.

Complete Brent Council's Covid19 impact survey to help current & future planning


Brent Council has launched a residents' survey so as to understand the impact of Covid19 and to enable planning for current and future needs.

The survey can be found HERE

Survey reveals largest group of public feel lockdown should have been earlier and has been relaxed too soon

From Ipso MORI 

New polling from Ipsos MORI reveals how the British public divides into five groups, according to their different views towards the timing of the original lockdown measures in March, and the relaxation of some of the measures in July.

The survey, taken after the announcement of the relaxation but before the measures were actually lifted, shows that the largest grouping are the “Earlier, longer lockdown” segment.  Making up around half of Britons (48%), this group says both that the original lockdown measures on the 23rd March were introduced too late (with the benefit of hindsight), and that the relaxations in England announced for July 4th are happening too quickly.  Another 11% are “Becoming more cautious”: they believe that the original measures were introduced too soon or at the right time, but are now worried they are being relaxed too quickly.

Who is in these groups?

  • The “Earlier, longer lockdown” group is relatively likely to be aged between 45-64 (42% of this group are that age), and to have voted Labour in the 2019 General Election or Remain in the 2016 EU referendum (45% and 50% of this group respectively).
  • The “Becoming more cautious” group is the oldest segment (39% are aged 55 to 75), is slightly more female than male (by 53% to 46%), and six in ten live in the Midlands and South of England. Half (52%) of this group voted Conservative in 2019.
  • The “Government got it right then and now” segment is the most middle-class group (36% are in social class AB), and it also has relatively high proportions of 25-34 year olds (29%) and of parents (34%).  Unsurprisingly, six in ten of this group voted Conservative in the 2019 election and Leave in the 2016 referendum.
  • The “Started too late but now ready for relaxing” group is also slightly younger (39% are aged 18-34), but in this case are slightly more male than female (by 54% to 45%).  They also have a slightly higher proportion of 2019 Conservative voters (45%). 
Overall, seven in ten (69%) now think that the original lockdown in March 23rd was imposed too late. 22% think it was at about the right time and 5% that they were taken too soon.   While perceptions have changed little since the end of April, there has been a clear shift since immediately after the lockdown was introduced, when 56% thought the measures were being taken too late, and 35% at the right time. 

Six in ten (60%), feel that the relaxation announced for England on the 4th July are happening too quickly, rising to seven in ten among Labour, Liberal Democrat and Remain voters.  Almost three in ten (28%) think the measures are being relaxed at the right time (rising to 42% of 2019 Conservatives), but just 8% think the relaxation is happening too slowly.

Gideon Skinner, Head of Political Research at Ipsos MORI, said:
 These findings confirm our other research that, overall, Britons tend to err on the side of caution when it comes to the lockdown measures.  But it also shows that these views aren’t static.  Even though the real number of cases has fallen, perceptions have hardened that the original measures were imposed too late, underpinned by a clear partisan divide. 

Nevertheless, even with the benefit of hindsight, not everyone takes the same line for both the March restrictions and the July relaxation.  Some want to keep the restrictions in place for longer, but others are ready for them to be relaxed, even if they felt they were originally introduced too late, and there is also a minority who think the government has always picked the right time.  This all suggests that despite views hardening the public hasn’t yet come to a final view, with the impact of the relaxation this weekend likely to be key in determining whether the Government is seen as leading public opinion or moving before it was ready.

Brent Council: discarded facemasks can go in litter bins

All within a few yards of the petrol station on Blackbird Hill
You can hardly not have noticed the new littering in Brent consisting of 'disposable' face masks, unfortunately disposed of by throwing them on pavements or grass verges.  Many seem to be the cheap version where the elastic is glued, rather than sewn, on to the fabric.

I received a press release recently from  a waste disposal company describing the waste as 'hazardous' and a threat to public health as well as the environment.  They offered 'pop-up' PPE disposal bins in town centres.

I contacted Brent Council noting that with the requirement for face coverings on public transport the litttering was likely to increase. They responded:
The advice of our Director of Public Health and our waste collection contractors is that no special or clinical waste collection arrangement is necessary and that these items can be placed in normal litter bins or safely collected by street cleaners if dropped on the ground.

Barnhill By-Election recount fixed for July 16th and 17th

I understand that the High Court has fixed the date for the disputed Barnhill by-election count will take place on July 16th and 17th at the Royal Courts of Justice in the Strand. Numbers of attendees will be limited due to social distancing measures being in place.

The by-election was held on January 23rd following the resignations of Michael Pavey and Sarah Marquis and was won narrowly by the Labour candidates.

The petition submitted by the Conservative Party under the Representation of the People Act sets out the case for a recount.  The gap between the lowest Labour vote and the highest Conservative vote was just 70. The petition claims that at the count, which went on into the early hours of January 24th, 100 Conservatives block votes were wrongly placed in the Labour bundle and that the Conservative candidates should have been duly elected as the candidates with the highest number of votes.

Stop Annexation, Brent Divest: meeting Monday July 13th via Zoom

Zoom meeting on Monday July 13th 7.00 - 8.45PM 
email brent2harrowpsc@outlook.com for zoom log-in
Stop Annexation! Hugh Lanning, Labour & Palestine 

The Israeli Government, with the support of Donald Trump, is threatening to annex more Palestininan lands. How do we build a campaign to stop them?

Brent Divest! Liz Lindsay and Martin Francis, local activists and BHPSC 

Building a campaign to get Brent Council to divest its pension fund from companies who are complicit in the oppression of Palestininans.    

Brent & Harrow Palestine Solidarity Campaign supported by Brent Trades Union Council and Brent Stop the War

Members of the Brent Council Pension Fund particularly welcome 
- the pension fund is your deferred wages

Brent Council must attend mediation with Bridge Park campaigners before July 20th High Court hearing

The High Court Hearing to hear litigation between Bridge Park campaigners and Brent Council LINK will take place on July 20th.

Am Emergency Notice on Brent Council Forward Plan gives the Chief Executive as the decision maker and states that before July 20th a date has to be fixed for  mediation between the parties:
The hearing in respect of the litigation will commence on 20 July 2020. This was uncertain until the conclusion of a hearing on 6 July 2020. No date for the mediation, which is intended to take place prior to the hearing commencing, has yet been fixed. The date of the hearing has been fixed by the Court and the mediation process requires that the Chief Executive be in a position to reach a binding agreement with the other parties to the litigation, hence the need for the usual period of notice in relation to the Forward Plan along with call-in to be waived.
Next week will be busy with the  recount for the Barnhill by-election taking place in the Royal Courts of Justice  on July 17th and 18th. The Chief Executive was the Returning Officer for the by-election.

Uncovering the history of Church End and Chapel End, Willesden – Part 2


In Part 1 we looked at the church and chapel(s) that gave these parts of Willesden their names. This time, we’ll discover more about the history of the areas by exploring the stories of some of their landmark buildings, starting with those in Church End.

1.    A sketch map of the area, based on the 1895 O.S. map, with featured landmark buildings shown.
The“Six Bellspublic house was built before 1724, and was known as the Five Bells, until the ring at St. Mary’s was augmented to six, when the name had to be changed! It later became known as The Old Six Bells. Being close to the church, it was a favourite meeting place of the Willesden Vestry members, during winter before their new Hall was built, when the church was cold. A Post Office letter box was fixed in its wall in 1870, and the pub was later converted into a shop, as seen in this photograph. The little pub has now disappeared. 
2.   The old "Six Bells", as a shop and post office, c.1920.
3.   Willesden's Round House lock-up, in the 19th century. (Brent Archives online image 2128)

The Round House, was a “lock-up”, or “cage,” on the corner of Neasden Lane, close to the church. It was used to house criminals waiting to see the Magistrate, and is pictured in the story of Jack Sheppard, seen in Part 1. Some of the stone from the building, after it was demolished, was used in the construction of St. Mary’s School (see below).

4.  The Vestry Hall, with original fire station beside it.

The Vestry Hall is a small building, that still stands by the roundabout where Neasden Lane meets Willesden High Road, near to St. Mary’s Church. It was built in 1857, when the Willesden Vestry, a parish meeting which wasthe forerunner of the Local Council, decided that they needed a purpose-built Hall. It would include a fireproof cupboard for the precious Vestry Minutes, and would also house the Willesden fire engine. 

When the Vestry was replaced by the Willesden Local Board, in 1874, the public enquiry was held in the Vestry Hall. This quaint landmark has survived fire, has served as a nursery, and now houses the foodbank run by the Trussell Trust.

5.    St. Mary's School, as proposed in 1845, and in 1947. (Brent Archives online images 3030 and 1286)

Willesden National School (St. Mary’s School) was one of the earliest schools to open in Willesden. The Vestry decided, in 1809, to establish a Sunday School for 80 children of the poor, giving them a chance to learn to read and write. The local farmers, who relied on children’s labour at certain times of the year, were less than impressed by this idea, thinking that the youngsters would get ideas “above their station”. The original Sunday School became a day-school in 1818, transferring into a new building in 1853, beside Willesden Lane (renamed Willesden High Road by 1900). It was funded by public subscription. 

The School remained in use until 1972, and is fondly remembered by generations of Church End schoolchildren. The new St. Mary’s School is in Garnet Road, to the west of the Church. Willesden Magistrates’ Court is now on the site of the old school (and the Six Bells).

In 1861, a new St. Mary’s Vicarage was built in Neasden Lane, opposite the Church, and looking out over the cricket field behind. It was the latest in a long line, dating back to the 12th century, and was itself replaced by a handsome house, designed by the architect Caroe, in 1904. The Caroe house was bought by British Thomson-Houston, the electrical engineers, for use as a conference centre by their directors. A vicarage designed by Cachermaille-Day, was built in 1939 on a site next door, nearer to the corner of Neasden Lane, and surrounded by a lovely garden. 

No trace of these buildings remains. The site on the corner was sold to developers in 2002, and now has a block of flats built on it. The present, much smaller vicarage was built on the opposite side of Neasden Lane, beside St. Mary’s Parish Centre (where Willesden Local History Societyholds its monthly meetings, when we are not in lockdown!).

 6.   The White Hart Hotel, c. 1882 and as rebuilt in 1900. (Brent Archives online images 1241 and 1474)

A pub was in existence at the corner of Church Road and Willesden Lane by 1749. It was first known as “The Gate”, and then “The Leather Bottle”, with the name changed to The White Hart” in 1791. In Victorian times it was famous for its pleasure garden, and was enlarged in 1882. During the next two decades, the White Hart became the headquarters of the Neasden Cycling Club, and also the Finchley Harriers (when Finchley became built up, the runners preferred the more rural lanes and fields of Willesden for their cross-country runs!) The pub was also the local horse-bus terminus. The White Hart closed in 2002, and was demolished soon after, replaced by a block of flats, with a large shop on the ground floor.

7.    The White Horse public house, in 1874 and 1905. (Brent Archives online images 7287 and 1084)

The White Horse” public house was also in Church Road, nearer to Harlesden, at the corner with Roundwood Road. A beerhouse stood on the site by 1801, later becoming fully-licensed. In 1888, it was replaced by a larger, brick building, which was damaged during the Second World War. It was repaired, but slowly declined in popularity. The White Horse was demolished in 1998, and replaced by flats, with a Veterinary Surgery on the ground floor.

8.   The Granada Cinema, Church Road, in 1933 and 1960. (Brent Archives online images 10375 and 426)

TheGranada Cinema in Church Road opened in 1921, beside the industrial area of Cobbold Road. Already a large building, its seating capacity was increased to 2,000 in 1928. As “The Empire”, it was a popular venue for the whole of Willesden, with a famous cinema organ. The cinema closed in 1962, then reopened as a bingo hall. It then a became a church, and finally has been developed as flats, with the church still occupying the ground floor.

Chapel End, as well as the chapels themselves, also had a number of landmark buildings.

In 1828, the Vestry ordered the construction of a Pound, a walled area at the corner of Petticoat Stile Lane (which soon became known as Pound Lane). Following the Inclosure Act of 1810, which allowed existing landowners to divide up common land, such as Willesden Green, among themselves, ordinary people had nowhere to graze the few animals they kept.  

9.  The corner of Pound Lane and the High Road, with the Pound on the right, from a drawing of around 1890.

Stray dogs, horses, donkeys and sheep were rounded up, to prevent damage to gardens and orchards. They could be confined until their owners paid a fee for their release. The fee in 1830 was fourpence a day, plus the cost of feed, and a Mr Kilby was appointed as Pound Keeper. He remained in office until 1886, when it was decided that the Pound had outlived its usefulness. It was dismantled a few years later.

10.                  St. Mary's Infants School, Pound Lane, c.1900 and c.1950. (Brent Archives online images 3028 and 3033)

St. Mary’s Infants School was a small school, for infants only. It was opened at Pound Lane in 1858, on land given by All Souls College, Oxford (important land-owners in Willesden). This building survives, and is now used by an Evangelical Church.

The Case is Altered” public house, originally a beerhouse, was probably built in the 1850s, on a greenfield site. It was enlarged in 1877, but proved still too small for the rapidly-expanding population. A rebuild in 1887, and further expansion in 1915, provided the huge building we see today. The three-storey red brick building, opposite the junction with Dudden Hill Lane, has since been painted black, and provides hostel and bar accommodation, named “No.8.”

11.                  The Case is Altered public house, on the left, with the old Chapel in the distance, c.1880.

The Crown” Public House, was built on Willesden High Road opposite the new Chapel. Enlarged in 1905, this attractive building closed for business in 2015, and still awaits a purchaser.

St.John the Baptist church, in Dudden Hill Lane,  opened in 1901, as a Mission Church of St. Andrew’s, Willesden Green. It closed as a church by 1937, and has been used since as the Brent Indian Centre, more recently named the “Sir Learie Constantine Centre,” in honour of the famous West Indian cricketer.

Willesden Green Electric Palace was a small cinema that opened next door to the first non-conformist Chapel in 1910. It was renamed “The Savoy” in 1933, and “The Metro” in 1949. The building survived until 2018, after being used as a cab office, then a church. It has now been demolished, and the site remains empty so far.

The purpose–built Pound Lane Drill Hall and training ground was opened in 1911, for military recruiting and training purposes. Col. Charles Pinkham, a local businessman and politician, organised the Willesden Defence League, which eventually became the Middlesex Volunteer Regiment. During the First World War, Pinkham raised two Battalions of the 9th Middlesex Regiment, who went to fight in Mesopotamia (now Iraq). The Drill Hall eventually became used as a working men’s hostel, Pound Lodge, which was demolished around 2013, and replaced by a St Mungo’s Hostel, of striking modern design.

In 1900, the London General Omnibus Company bought land for stables at Pound Lane. Seven horse-buses an hour were running by 1903. Horse-drawn services were withdrawn in 1911, (despite protests by locals, who did not trust the new motor buses), and the site became the present Willesden Bus Garage. The bus garage has been an important local employer for over 100 years, with 958 people working there in 1949.

12.                 An aerial view of Willesden Bus Garage in 1921, with the Drill Hall across Pound Lane from the back of it. What other Chapel End landmark buildings can you spot in this picture?

Please join me next weekend, for the final part of this series, when we will look at some of the industries that came to Church End and Chapel End, and how local housing changed in the 20th century.

Margaret Pratt.

'Judgement Day' email sent to Brent councillors about one of their colleagues

Cllr Kana Naheerathan when he was Mayor
Brent councillors were probably taken aback when they received an email yesterday with the subject line 'Judgement Day for the *********** Accountant'.

The email was from S. Vigneswaran who reported on a case heard at Watford County Court and claimed that the judge 'concluded that my former accountant's conduct was "illegal" and duly entered judgement against him personally to pay my costs despite the claimant in this case being his private limited company'.

The accountant is Cllr Kanapathipillai Naheerathan (Labour, Queensbury ward) who practices, according to his Twitter account (above) as MNP Accountants ,and the dispute concerned his work for the family business 'Day One Local Express' in Kingsbury.

The colourfully worded five page email makes a series of allegations against Cllr Naheerathan and calls on Brent councillors to take action.

The new Chair of Brent Standards Committee made a light-hearted comment at Monday's Council Meeting that this was a job that seemed to be 'jinxed'. Previous chairs were Cllr Aslam Choudry and Cllr James Allie.

 There is a possibility that this matter could be referred to her Committee under the Members' Code of Conduct LINK or 'Integrity' in the Seven Principles of Public Life.

Barnhill by-election result could be over-turned by Courts. Hearing starts tomorrow.

The two day recount hearing for the Barnhill by-election starts tomorrow and as a bombshell curtain raiser the Kilburn Times today LINK  reveals that sacks of votes went astray at Clock Cottage, Kenton, which is one of the Council's storage depot.

The Barnhill Conservatives launched a petition to the High Court alleging that 100 votes were moved from the Conservative pile and transferred to the Labour pile. These were double votes - votes for the two Tories. If the recount transfers 100 votes to the Conservative they will be declared winners.  However the Council confidently told the Kilburn Times that they think the result will be upheld by the courts.

The Count is taking place in Room 73 (largest room) at the Royal Courts of Justice on the Strand. 

The real issue has changed with the discovery of the missing sack which only emerged when the Court asked for the ballot forms.

As readers will know I hold no brief for the Conservative Party but I do believe that elections should be conducted fairly so welcome this hearing to clear up the matter. I was a Green Party candidate at this by-election along with my colleague Pete Murry.

This is the statement made to Wembley Matters by Stefan Voloseniuc who with Kanta Mistry was a Conservative candidate for the ward.

On 23 January this year, we had three by-elections in the London Borough of Brent and I was one of the Conservative candidates for Barnhill Ward, alongside my colleague Kanta Mistry. We worked extremely hard and managed to do well; however, on the evening of the elections during the count, a bundle of our 100 votes had been unduly moved to the Labour Party’s candidates votes, leading them to win by a small margin. Despite our persistent requests on that evening for a recount and a flick through the bundles the Returning Officer (RO) Chief Executive Officer Carolyne Downs rejected our requests entirely. 

After the election I spoke to the Electoral Commission about the RO’s behaviour at the count. I was informed that the RO ought to have allowed a recount and flick through of the bundles on the day. The sacks are supposed to be sealed as per the People’s Act 1983, which states that the RO has a duty to ensure that each sack containing the ballot papers must be sealed and stored securely, to avoid any interference with the ballot papers by any parties. As such, in order to have a recount, we needed to file a Petition at the High Court, asking for a recount. We followed this process and we managed to obtain a hearing to seek an Order for a recount to take place at Court with the Court giving permission for the seals to be removed and the recount to take place in the High Court itself.

To our surprise, a few days before the hearing the RO’s legal representatives informed us that the seals (of the Barnhill Ward alone, and not the other two wards) were found to be broken. We requested evidence in the form of pictures and witness statements. We were informed that further evidence will follow. Upon receiving this evidence in the form of witness statements on behalf of the RO, we discovered that they could not find the seals on the sacks You  will find upon reading the  statement made by the Head of Executive and Member Service, there has been serious breach in following the prescribed lawful procedure. 

Once we came to learn of this significant breach, we requested for the recount (which is listed to take place on 16 and 17 July 2020) to also include a count of all unused ballot papers in order to reconcile the total ballots printed (used and unused), particularly as the sacks were not sealed, open to interference by anyone. 

The RO refused our request for the recount and reconciliation of the unused ballot papers; however, the RO willingly agreed to a recount of the unused ballot papers ONLY IF the recount result went against the Labour Party candidates. I am sure you agree that this clearly points towards partiality in favour of the Labour Party, despite a duty by the RO to remain neutral.

The  witness statement made by Thomas Cattermole, Brent Council Head of Executive and Member Services to the Court sets out the events surrounding the seach for the missing Barnhill papers. 

The storage room at Clock Cottage was visited several times before they were found in a sack labelled "23/5/19 EU elections BP's' in pen. It had no seal and it was dirty on the outside.  It was upright and it was surmised that nothing had fallen out and nothing was found on the floor on checking. Cattermole said that he could only assume the papers were placed in a sack that already had the EU elections label on it. Photographs were taken in accordance with the Judge's Order.

The sack along with others from Barnhill ward is now secured in a locked, limited access area in Brent Civic Centre.



July 16th 7pm
Speakers include:
Professor Gary Younge - author
Dr Deryck Murray - University of West Indies
Antonia Charles - Lawyer
Marcia Rigg - Campaigner
Cllr Muhammed Butt - leader Brent Council 

On 25 May 2020, in Minneapolis, USA, George Floyd, a 46-year-old black man, was killed by a policeman suffocating him in plain sight. His death has led to worldwide demonstrations.
But none of the great, painful and burning issues raised by Mr Floyd’s death are new.The statistics show that the black community in the UK faces similar prejudice, violence and barriers to natural justice.

Any discussion of the problems of the black community must also address the issue of white privilege. Slavery and the empire all impact on attitudes, both black and white, in 2020. They are not a question of black history, but of the national story.

This will be a wide-ranging discussion about the history, the present and the future for the black community in the UK and how we all can unite in solidarity to bring about overdue radical social change.

Discussion chaired by Tom London


Organised by Kensal2Kilburn Forum
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