Robin Sharp (Chair- Brent Patient Voice) has asked Councillor Hirani, Cabinet Member for Public Health, Leisure & Culture a number of questions about the impact of Covid19 in Brent. Cllr Hirani's answers are in italics. There is provision for him to ask a follow-up question at the Council meeting on July 13th.
1(a) What is the latest number of deaths in Brent from or related to Covid-19?
1(a) According to the latest Office for National statistics figures, the number of COVID-19 related deaths is 484 as up to the 19thof June 2020. These are provisional counts of the number of deaths registered in Brent.
1(b) What is the latest number of “excess” deaths in Brent compared to the same period last year (i.e. from the start of the pandemic in the UK)
1(b) The provisional number of excess deaths from the beginning of the pandemic until May 31stcompared to the same period in 2019 is 482.
1(c) Is there any estimated breakdown of the number of these excess deaths that may be from Covid-19 and those arising because the person dying did not access care due to the NHS focus on Covid-19? Can ward level figures be supplied please?
1(c) It is likely the vast majority of excess deaths were due to Covid-19. There is no information available on deaths arising due to a person dying as a result of the individual not accessing NHS care.
2. In the case where ONS have supplied a breakdown of Covid-19 deaths at ward level for Brent have any contributory factors for especially high deathrates in particular wards been provisionally identified, such as presence of care homes, one or more super-spreaders, a special event where transmissions might have taken place?
2. The Office for National Statistics does not supply this level of detail. Where it supplies deaths at local level they are just a number of deaths in what is called a Middle Super Output Area, a unit of geography used by the Office for National Statistics. This can be converted into ward level information approximately.There is no individual detail on the cases or the likely source of infection
3. Do the deaths in Brent relate to the place of death, e.g. a hospital, or to the place of normal residence of the person who died?
3.The Office for National statistics (ONS) data for Brent residents relates to the place of normal residence.
4. Is there data showing howmany died from Covid-19 in hospitals, in care or other residential homes and in the community?
4. Below is the provisional counts of the number of deaths registered in Brent, deaths involving the coronavirus (COVID-19), by place of death for which data are available. COVID-19 Deaths that occurred from 1st January 2020 up to 19th June 2020 but were registered up to 27th June 2020