Developers' free for all: Stop Dominic Cummings Stripping Away Our Rights -...
If you think developers are getting away with murder in Brent at the moment - you ain't seen nothing yet if these proposals go through.This petition has been launched recoognising the damage that will...
View ArticleUncovering the history of Church End and Chapel End, Willesden – Part 1
Responding to readers' requests, after the popular local history series by Philip Grant, for some local history of the south of the borough this is the first of a new local history series, by Margaret...
View ArticleFrom loo to The Louvre as Sudbury brightened up in homage to Covid19 workers...
From Paul LorberFollowing on from Philip Grant’s excellent Wembley history items - especially the last one about Sudbury perhaps I can provide an update on Butler’s Green.A very large part of Sudbury...
View ArticleAn open letter to Brent councillors on safe cycling infrastructure
An open letter to Brent councillors from Charles FernandesDear Councillors, I'm writing with regards to the urgent need for safe cycling infrastructure in Brent. PERSONAL STORY Today marks ten years...
View ArticleOnly a quarter of places at the new Neasden Lane High School will be...
The new school on Neasden LaneMy question tabled for the Council meeting to be held on Monday July 13th. The School Places Planning document suggested that most pressure for additional secondary forms...
View ArticleBrent Youth Parliament challenges Brent Council on its response to Black...
As the Black Lives Matter movement focuses attention on the actions of politicans both local and national it is worth looking at the historical context. Thirty years ago the Council launched the above...
View ArticleBrent Patient Voice seeks information on Covid19 deaths in Brent
Robin Sharp (Chair- Brent Patient Voice) has asked Councillor Hirani, Cabinet Member for Public Health, Leisure & Culture a number of questions about the impact of Covid19 in Brent. Cllr Hirani's...
View ArticleGrunwick strike: Film of 'We are the Lions Mr Manager' available on-line for...
Received from Townsend Theatre ProductionsYou can be the first to see our film of edited archive footage of the production 'We are the Lions, Mr. Manager! touring 2017-18/ filmed at TARA Theatre,...
View ArticleKilburn Times breaks story over Brent Council leader's attendance at prayer...
Great work by reporter Nathalie Raffray has just been published on the Kilburn Times website LINK.In summary the report says that Brent Council leader, Cllr Muhammed Butt amd Councillor Sangani...
View ArticleBrent Trades Council Covid19 Action Campaign launches on July 15th
BRENT TRADES COUNCIL - COVID19 ACTION CAMPAIGNSAFER WORKPLACES, SAFER SCHOOLS, SAFER COMMUNITIES The campaign will be launched at hte Zoom Meeting, 7pm, July 15th 2020 Meeting ID: 853 0416 7019...
View ArticleComplete Brent Council's Covid19 impact survey to help current & future planning
Brent Council has launched a residents' survey so as to understand the impact of Covid19 and to enable planning for current and future needs.The survey can be found HERE
View ArticleSurvey reveals largest group of public feel lockdown should have been earlier...
From Ipso MORI New polling from Ipsos MORI reveals how the British public divides into five groups, according to their different views towards the timing of the original lockdown measures in March, and...
View ArticleBrent Council: discarded facemasks can go in litter bins
All within a few yards of the petrol station on Blackbird HillYou can hardly not have noticed the new littering in Brent consisting of 'disposable' face masks, unfortunately disposed of by throwing...
View ArticleBarnhill By-Election recount fixed for July 16th and 17th
I understand that the High Court has fixed the date for the disputed Barnhill by-election count will take place on July 16th and 17th at the Royal Courts of Justice in the Strand. Numbers of attendees...
View ArticleStop Annexation, Brent Divest: meeting Monday July 13th via Zoom
Zoom meeting on Monday July 13th 7.00 - 8.45PM email for zoom log-in Stop Annexation! Hugh Lanning, Labour & Palestine The Israeli Government, with the support of...
View ArticleBrent Council must attend mediation with Bridge Park campaigners before July...
The High Court Hearing to hear litigation between Bridge Park campaigners and Brent Council LINK will take place on July 20th.Am Emergency Notice on Brent Council Forward Plan gives the Chief Executive...
View ArticleUncovering the history of Church End and Chapel End, Willesden – Part 2
In Part 1 we looked at the church and chapel(s) that gave these parts of Willesden their names. This time, we’ll discover more about the history of the areas by exploring the stories of some of their...
View Article'Judgement Day' email sent to Brent councillors about one of their colleagues
Cllr Kana Naheerathan when he was MayorBrent councillors were probably taken aback when they received an email yesterday with the subject line 'Judgement Day for the *********** Accountant'.The email...
View ArticleBarnhill by-election result could be over-turned by Courts. Hearing starts...
The two day recount hearing for the Barnhill by-election starts tomorrow and as a bombshell curtain raiser the Kilburn Times today LINK reveals that sacks of votes went astray at Clock Cottage,...
July 16th 7pmSpeakers include:Professor Gary Younge - authorDr Deryck Murray - University of West IndiesAntonia Charles - LawyerMarcia Rigg - CampaignerCllr Muhammed Butt - leader Brent Council On 25...
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